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Rugby League Coach is the home of RUGBY LEAGUE SPECIFIC programs and advice, dedicated to you, the player or S&C coach.

The internet is swarmed with personal trainers and fitness coaches giving you advice, but there is a distinct lack of game specific, rugby league fitness resources and advice out there.  UNTIL NOW.

There is a huge difference between body building and FUNCTIONAL training for rugby league. There is also a huge difference between general fitness and MATCH FITNESS.   Not training specifically for rugby league is the single biggest mistake many coaches and players make, because this can cause players to feel they are not fit enough despite putting in huge amounts of effort during training, or at worst, suffer injury.

Click on the section below to unlock files to help you become fitter and stronger for rugby league, or to help you coach your players to be fitter and stronger.

Regardless of your playing or coaching level, we guarantee there is plenty for you here.

These sections and files will be updated regularly so keep coming back to check for those updates.


Want to get your squad fitter ? Stronger?

Would you like a specific program for a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year?

CONTACT US and include your details and you will be contacted by us with a very reasonable and affordable quote.

Your CONFIDENTIALITY is guaranteed.

Want some individual coaching? 

We can come out and see you to help you with your coaching WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD.  CONTACT US to discuss logistics and to get a quote.

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